Adrenal Glands - Overview
Adrenal glands are organs belonging to the human endocrine system. These glands support the vital activity of the body through the synthesis and secretion of hormones into the blood. With their help, metabolism, a person's normal response to stress, the ratio of fat and carbohydrates, and the amount of sugar in the blood are regulated. The adrenal gland also affects the gastrointestinal tract, heart, and blood vessels.
The structure of adrenal glands is especially interesting - their shapes are different. One of the glands is triangular and the other is semicircular. Organs are located in a thin fibrous capsule, the upper part of which consists of a shell substance. The work of the shell substance consists in the release of sex, steroid, corticosteroid hormones. The inner part of the gland consists of brain matter, which contains a large number of nerve cells. They secrete catecholamine active substances, especially dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline.
Adrenal gland dysfunction
Adrenal gland dysfunction problems can be conditionally divided into two groups. This is the pathological activity of the organ or, on the contrary, a decrease in function. The reason for the decrease in function is damage to more organs by some diseases, especially tuberculosis, anemia, amyloidosis. In such cases, replacement treatment aimed at eliminating hypofunction is carried out.
Pathological activity that causes serious complications in the work of the whole organism is evaluated as a result of various tumors in most cases. Treatment is mainly carried out in an invasive way. Later, the patient is prescribed lifelong hormonal therapy.
Symptoms of adrenal gland diseases
The symptoms of adrenal gland dysfunction depend on the hormone that causes the imbalance. But there are also some common symptoms. A person begins to notice excessive fatigue, periodically develops muscle weakness, irritability, sleep is disturbed.
Hyperpigmentation is often observed in different parts of the body (hands, elbows). The reason that makes early diagnosis difficult is people's neglect of it. This is understandable. Because those symptoms are not so different from ordinary fatigue. However, adrenal gland diseases are a very serious complication and can lead to a tragic end.
Warning! Acute adrenal insufficiency can be fatal and requires immediate intervention.
Diagnosis of adrenal gland diseases
The most common and proven diagnostic methods of adrenal gland dysfunction are as follows:
- Urine analysis, hormonal analysis of blood;
– USM;
– MRI;
- Laparoscopy is prescribed when malignant tumors are suspected.
A more informative method is multispiral computed tomography. The beam diagnostic method (scintigraphy) is also quite effective. This method makes it possible to examine the shell and brain structure of the adrenal gland with high accuracy.
Treatment of adrenal gland diseases
After all the necessary examinations have revealed the functional disorders of the adrenal gland, the necessary conservative treatment methods are selected by specialists. If these methods do not give the expected result, doctors prescribe hormone replacement therapy and the organ is removed.
It should be noted that in most cases, if the disease is detected early and adequate treatment is prescribed, functional disorders of the adrenal glands can be successfully eliminated (invasive treatment).
Patients often turn to logmans for treatment. The combined application of folk medicine recipes with conservative treatment leads to better results. But before doing this, you must consult an endocrinologist!
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